
048-874-6006 受付: 月曜~土曜 9:00~17:00 / 定休日: 第2土曜、日・祝 


Total Solution 

From April 2021, the "Act for Partial Amendment of the Air Pollution Control Act" was enacted, making it mandatory to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine the presence of asbestos when carrying out demolition work. In collaboration with LINK Co., Ltd. which specializes in building demolition and asbestos analysis and treatment, FUJI SHOJI Co.,Ltd. conducts preliminary surveys and inspections for the presence of asbestos, and handles everything from building demolition and renovation to collection and transportation of asbestos-containing waste. We provide one-stop support for all processes.

Asbestos treatment process


Asbestos preliminary investigation and analysis

We investigate the presence or absence of asbestos based on design documents and visual inspection at the site, prepare a report and demolition plan, and submit an application to the government agency.


Formulation of demolition details

Hearings are held on the details of the planned demolition work. We will formulate the best asbestos countermeasure demolition plan based on legal compliance, cost, and demolition work period. 


Asbestos countermeasure construction

We will construct the asbestos countermeasure work that we have formulated. Here, too, we will ensure that construction is carried out as stipulated by law, and strive to prevent exposure and dispersion of asbestos.


Proper disposal of asbestos

We transport and dispose of asbestos-containing industrial waste generated on site in a proper and flexible manner.

FUJI SHOJI is JWNET and e-reverse compliant.