
FUJI SHOJI collects and transports industrial waste safely and appropriately.

048-874-6006 受付: 月曜~土曜 9:00~17:00 / 定休日: 第2土曜、日・祝 


Truck Driver

●Employment status

Fulltime employee


According to our company regulations

●Job description

Industrial waste collection and transportation

●Working hours

Monday to Saturday


Sundays, Public holidays, summer, year-end, New Year's

●Work location

3-3-3 Shibahara, Midori-ku, Saitama City

●Welfare and benefits

Uniforms to be supplied
Social insurance
Training period: 2 to 3 months/shortened


Regular driver's license (medium-sized or larger), large-sized driver's license

 ● Recruitment information website